Gulf War, Habit Forming, Yaksha Prasna...

Ramesh Kumar

It is almost seven months since I have taken to daily long walks.

15 km at the speed of 5 km/hour.  Four days a week. 60 km/week.

So, how  do you keep busy during that passage of time?

So, taken to listening to a variety of items.

This morning, began with the news conference of General H Norman Schwarzkopf, at the height of Gulf war (1991). Almost an hour long media connect in Washington/US. explaining what transpired on ground in the battle with Iraq's Saddam Hussein following his invasion of Kuwait.

That brought back memories of my Mid-Day stint in Mumbai. During that time, on several days, we brought out multiple editions to vet the appetite of news hungry in the erstwhile Bombay.

It was also the first time, television captured the war on television almost live feeding across the globe via CNN.  That time, I remember Oberoi and Taj which provisioned such global feeds had media guys booking rooms to watch and report.

After the Gulf War briefing, switched to Robin Sharma to listen to his mantra of higher productivity wherein he explains his 5 am club and five things to follow. Good one. Waking up  early and exercising for an hour is his prescription number 1. Glad am already doing it.

Then his 66 day regimen for habit formation is worth exploring. Will do. soon. Also to explore James Clear of Atomic Habits fame.

Next hour or so, was captivated by Dushyant Sridhar on Yaksha Prasna, from Mahabharat. Amazing story telling. Well read and researched. Super. Heard him multiple times.

Yaksha Prasna also brought back memories of family friend Ramasubramaniam Thiagarajan (known popularly as RT in the close circles). My first discussion on this subject goes back several decades.He is again well read - particularly in such topics. Nothing to be surprised given his  linkage to the Great Sage of  Kanchi Paramacharya.

This youtube rendiotn is more than two hours. Heard almost three fourth. To be completed soon.

Thats for now.


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