THE REAL ESTATE MONITOR-3.... Update on Antariksh

Ramesh Kumar from Greater Noida

I was zapped as I stepped out of Duster outside Antariksh Golf Links gate and looked at the 18-floor Tower G on Sunday, the 18th July 2021.

 What struck me was not the outer coating of white paint on Tower F but the flex banner displaying the housing complex name at the entrance arch for the first time! Wah re wah!

Some positive work, I self-congratulated. It took 10 years though the skeletal Towers A, G, F, etc were in place for long. 

My maiden query to Vinod Tripathi, sales & marketing officer of Antariksh, was: why it took such a long time to put up the building name? "Everyone looks at what is in it for me," he responded. The supplier of the flex banner did his job only when he received not only the purchase order (orally or otherwise) but the payment as well. Perhaps the builder obliged the flex banner supplier with both orders plus money! Presto, the board went up.

Met a few other flat buyers at Tripathi's first-floor air-conditioned office. A good sign that the chasing has commenced. With my better half in tow, we toured the ground floor of Tower F littered with debris of all sorts, and a few men and women engaged in cleaning operations. In the process, we ran into Shrivastav, managing diesel generation and he shared that three families have already moved in. He assured me that there are no power challenges as of now. So also, no water problem. 

When Mr. Singh, the night security man, joined us, we broached the safety and security of residents. He assured us that everything is under control and no worries. This is no empty assurance because subsequently Yatish Jha, the first flat buyer to move into the 16th floor in May with his wife Rashmi, confirmed the assertions of Shrivastav and Singh. After all, he is on-site and he knows what he is talking about. 


The Ghost Town of Greater Noida!


By the way, Yatish was full of praise for Mishraji, the Project Manager. "He is a pillar of strength and our smooth existence in Antariksh is due to his total support," Yatish added. As we moved around, we noticed rectangular glass plates kept against pillars on the ground floor. 

As luck would have it, we ran into Mishraji where we had the group meeting with the builders a week ago. Work in Tower F has begun. At least 15 laborers have been deployed. They have moved some from Tower G itself. We did notice workers engaged in some of the flats getting ready: either painters were moving with a tin filled with paint or carpenters fixing doors or masons mixing cement and sand to plaster inside. Yes, work is in progress. Slow, but the pace expected to pick up because Mishraji pointed out that materials expected to arrive Monday/Tuesday. 

Meanwhile, Tripathi confirmed that the Tower-specific bank accounts will be opened Monday/Tuesday. The delay was due to one of the builders submitted his papers for bank account opening only Saturday. Yeh hai India! 


I Envy The Birds!


As far as Tower A is concerned, nothing is happening or visible. Mishraji assured both Towers A and F will be ready as per promises made at the group meet. 

Yatish as well as Tripathi concurred that the need of the hour is more families moving in to "live" and not to take possession and "lock it up" to protect their investment! 

Yatish & Rashmi, the working couple in Delhi, affirmed that is normal life is not disrupted thanks to door delivery of items by various e-com companies. 

For the first time, I learned that only Tower A and G are 18 floors and other Towers are 14 floors only. 

Having sunk in our hard-earned money and wanting to complete the triad: roti, kapada aur makaan it will be prudent to visit the property once a month at least.  

My friends working in Japanese companies in India used to say that just one email is sufficient to be assured of completion of the job. No need for any follow-ups. For us (Indians), chasing is second nature. Nothing moves without constant badgering. Yeh hai India! 

Chalo... Will be back with another Update soon. 


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